The publication of autobiographies of psychiatric patients is a genre that has existed since the 19th century and the first wave of anti-asilarism throughout the Western world. These autobiographies are an exciting source for historians and literary scholars. Since the 1960s, this genre has regularly benefited from bibliographical cataloguing, even if this remains mainly limited to English-speaking testimonies. 1
For a research project I am looking for (published) autobiographies of nurses who have worked in psychiatry and psychiatrists. My research has so far been unsuccessful (and very francophone). If you know of others, please put them in the commentary. Thanks in advance.
Continue reading Looking for autobiographies of psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses- R. Sommer et Humphry Osmond, « Autobiographies of former mental patients », J. Ment. Sci, 1960, vol. 106, p. 648‑662. Robert Sommer, Jennifer S. Clifford, et John C. Norcross, « A Bibliography of Mental Patients’ Autobiographies: An Update and Classification System », American Journal of Psychiatry, 1 septembre 1998, vol. 155, no 9, p. 1261‑1264. [↩]